10 things I hate about you, Poznan!

So there is a difference between like and love! 
I like cheap flight tickets but I love a free upgrade to first class.
But I love cheap flight tickets...
That is because you haven't had a free upgrade to first class! Doh!!

I'm going to try something new this time around! I went on vacation and I didn't love it! I didn't hate it but like they say in 10 things I hate about you; I know that you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed but can you ever just be whelmed? 
YES! You can when you visit Poznan! I didn't have a bad time, I just didn't find the city as charming or lovely as the tours and google searches promised me. After a long weekend, I just felt... whelmed! Therefore I have taken the liberty of writing my own version of 10 things I hate about you, Poznan! 
Love it or leave it! Here it goes: 

1. I hate that your biggest tourist attraction is two mechanical billy goats banging their heads together on top of city hall at 12 o'clock every day, and I hate even more that at least 300 people were there on Saturday to see and film it.

2. I hate the way you close your "tourist attractions" for no apparent reason. Like the day we walked 5 km to the botanical garden just to find the door locked even though it said open until 3pm on the sign right next to the locked door.

3. I hate that I couldn't find a vegetarian dish on any of the menu cards beside a pizza margarita and soup. It isn't really that exciting for 3 whole days.

4. I hate that we went to the airport 4 hours prior to our flight. Not because we were afraid to miss it. No, but because we thought maybe there was something more to do than staying in town. I hated even more than half the people in the airport when we arrived were people who were going on our flight who had the same idea. 

5. I hate that when I visited you in Easter it was so cold I didn't want to leave my hotel. I froze for 3 days straight. F**k Siberian winds and never-ending winter. This is not the north and winter should not be coming!

6. I hated that the shopping center closed at 1pm when it said online and on google maps that it would be open to 10pm and we arrived 12.45 after walking there for 40 minutes.

7.  I hate that when I was having lunch on Easter Sunday with my mum at a family restaurant a guy, closer to my mums' age than mine though it appropriate to send over a glass of wine for me while starring hungry at me. I hated the waiter for running away from the scene before I came out of my bedazzlement and had the wits to send the wine back. I got creeped out from the guys staring at me with a glass of wine I didn't want and me not being able to be cool about it so I whispered to my mum that we had to leave, so we did.

8. I hate that I look old enough that 50-something worn out men with grey hair, decreasing hairline, slightly overweight and way closer to my mums' age than mine look at me and see a potential match. I might not be Angelina Jolie but please, man! It is Easter Sunday LUNCH-time and I'm not that old!

9. I hated that the old zoo that has sent most of its animals to the new zoo kept birds and foxes and other animals around and grossly neglected them. Smelled bad. The animals had no shelter and the birds were not groomed which meant that being confined to their small spaces with no option of moving around their nails had grown so long they could not sit on their feet without the toes bending the wrong way.

10. I despised everyone on TripAdvisor for giving the place good grades when the animals were kept there with no dignity in their own dirt and not cared for, while confined in their cages. I hate that people could write about what a nice walk in the old zoo it was when all I saw was animals in pain with no dignity or freedom. I hate that people do not feel more ashamed.
So here we go. Not overwhelmed, not underwhelmed... Just whelmed. Like we are in Europe.

*All photos are private and taken by me.


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